Internet Hiatus


Hello Creeps! 

I am taking a one week hiatus from the web due to the fact that I have only a short time to gather the information needed for funding for the family business. It needs my dedication and time and to be top priority! 

I’m really nervous because the clock is ticking and we’re starting to lose hope. I need to keep it alive. I found a few companies that help start-up businesses which are coming in handy! I have an important meeting March 5th that I need to get ready for. 

Wish me luck creeps!  I will be writing in my journal during my travels that will be blog posts when I get back. Thank you all for the support, shares, and follows! 

– Mercy Desdemona


P.s. Unsuccessful Entertainment is working on 2 projects: 

– Music

– The Thing Review (3 parts!) 


Subscribe to our YouTube:

Starting an Ice Cream Shop


So, for the past 2 years I’ve been trying to gather all information together to put together a business plan for my family’s ice cream shop. 2 years – yes because I had to learn a lot of the industry via classes and such. I have a deadline of March 15th, and don’t see the SBA guy again until March 5th. I’m freaking out because I’m in need of start up funding. I don’t want to lose this for my family as it will end up to be our only income. Every time I think I am taking one step ahead, I’m pushed down. Maybe I’m making things harder on myself, I don’t know. But, this is definitely something that needs to happen. I can’t lose this opportunity at all. Let’s hope today is going to be a step forward with the shop. 


Back to Vocals!


Dear Creeps,

As you may have read in previous self journey blog posts of mine, I was a singer when I was younger. From the age I could talk to about my senior year in high school I sang so much. I ranked 4th in singing competition for my area, sang with the college choir and more. After high school ended, I neglected my vocals due to the tiring ways of college that was bestowed upon me. I honestly, had no idea what a depressive mess I had become without singing as much as I used to. It was my stress relief. My confidant. My friend.

After three years of neglecting my friend, it’s time to get back to vocals! I have to find my range all over again and start from square one. My boyfriend and I are working hard to get a band together and work on some covers of which I’m sure will be posted on the web once perfected. I have to thank my boyfriend for inspiring me to be myself again. The fire inside me was starting to grow dim until I met someone that had the same music dream as I. We work well together and I look forward to getting back into practice and being where I belong.

I also would like to take bass up again. But, that will come after I re-gain my confidence for singing. A part of me died in 2005, when my grandfather passed away. I was really close with the man, and I sang to him three weeks before he died. That was the first time I saw tears in my grandfathers eyes. (He was a stubborn, German man that didn’t show emotion other than wise ass in front of people.) After he had passed, I was saddened by his loss and only sang when it came to specific events for school.

Today, I have been finding my old vocal warm ups and exercises. I have the biggest fear of destroying my voice! That would be the worst thing to ever happen to me. But it’s best to exercise the muscle and get it to where I’d like it and be respectful to my body. Singing will open the world to me again. I feel the fire burning inside me again. I have a confidence yet shyness mixed within. Deep inside, this is the place I want to be. In front of the mic, telling my story for people. Hopefully, touching the emotions within people that listen to me.

I will admit, I have a low confidence because I’m in desperate need of braces. I’m also worried with the jaw problems I’m suffering caused by my uneven teeth will cause singing issues. That is something I do not want. But, I am not going to let this put me down. For three long years I hung up my music creation and became a “desk person”. I am not a desk person. My ambition for life is too powerful to be behind a desk.

This is my quest. To re-gain what I had and to pursue my happy place.

– Mercy Desdemona

Creep Question: Have you ever stopped doing something dear to your heart? Why? Have you ever gone back? If you want to share, feel free to comment below.

The Bat (1926 & 1959) – Review


Hello Creeps.

Today we are going to review the film “The Bat” both the 1926 and the 1959 versions. As the vintage film nerd that I am, I have to say that I recommend both versions to the horror or mystery fanatic. Let’s begin with the beloved 1926 version shall we?

The Bat (1926)

First off, you can’t exactly call this a horror or why it’s under “vampire” I do not know becuase it’s more of a comedy/mystery/thriller. The eccentric maid in the film is who gives us the comedic effect. The story line of the film is that a masked criminal dresses up as a gigantic bat figure and terrorizes guests of a house that is being rented out by a well-known mystery writer. The film is based off the play by Avery Hopwood. Miss Cornelia Van Gorder is the famous mystery writer who rents the house to continue working on a novel. She is accompanied by her faithful maid, Lizzie Allen who was played by Louise Fazenda – whose over reactions made the character all more eccentric and comical. The murderer is interested in the wealth that is hidden within the house and will get rid of anyone in their way. What I like most about the 1926 version is the effects. For back in the day, these effects are pretty kick ass and it’s always a marvelous thing to see old school films with such marvelous effects without the aid of computers and green screens. They are proof that we don’t need to make everything digital! The actors and actresses within the film expressed their roles accordingly. Meaning, there wasn’t too much of the over expressions that you saw in many silent films. (Silent films actors/actresses were so goddamn talented! 🙂 ) For me, this film pulled me into the story and I really enjoyed the shadiness of the film. Honestly, a film like this belongs in the silent film era. Could you imagine the people seeing it for the first time on the screen?! It would have been down right terrifying for them to see this considering it wasn’t a monster film at all!

If you’d like to check out the 1926 version, I found the full movie on YouTube:


The Bat (1959)

Well, you already know the story line with the paragraph above. I must say for this version they couldn’t have picked better actors and actresses to play within this version. They had the marvelous, Vincent Price as Doctor Malcolm Wells and the ever so classy, Agnes Moorehead as Cornelia Van Gorder. Their actor and actress choice was perfect because they fit the roles so well. You could pictures Agnes as Cornelia. It didn’t seem like she was acting at all, but being herself. Mr.Price of eerie nature plays the doctor who is suspected to be the bat. When I first saw this version, I was immediately hooked. Although, I had seen the silent film version first and knew the story line, this “talkie” version was as amazing as the original. The acting was perfect and when I watched it, I had a list of suspects in my head, checking them off as the film went along. It takes you for a lot of twists and turns until you reach the end. This is an instant thriller classic. The “who-done-it” theme song of this version is quite catchy! (It was stuck in my head for a few hours.)

If you’d like to see the 1959 version of The Bat, I found the Full movie on YouTube here:




Thank you for wasting time with my existence. I hope you enjoyed this short review. If you have any requests, leave them in the comments below.

-Mercy Desdemona of Unsuccessful Entertainment

E-Bay Music & Film Store!


As you creeps know, I do a project with my love called Unsuccessful Entertainment. It is a YouTube channel dedicated to music and film. We did have our items for sale on Amazon, but had a bad experience with them being a merchant. We have decided to move our shop to E-Bay!

If you’d like to take a look please click here: <— Click it!

We will be restocking the store as items are sold!!

Thank you!

– Unsuccessful Entertainment

Stereotypes – Who has time?



I have been perusing around youtube and stumbled upon these idiotic rant videos about what is appropriate in what stereotype and what isn’t and how to be and all that horse crap. The one that annoyed me the most was this one:


Honestly, I think this girl is out for attention and has way to much time upon her hands to prove how “Goth” she is to the world. It’s like she has to justify her way of life for attention to convince herself that it’s okay. Here’s my view on stereotypes  or groups for that matter — my amount of give a f*cks is zero. Why do I say this? Because I am just me in this world. I don’t care if I get noticed by the billions of people on this planet or ignored. I am me. I don’t alter who I am to fit into a group of people. I love the music I love because it’s what I love. I dress the way I do becuase it’s what I love. I don’t spend my time dissecting what I can and can’t do just becuase I may be put into some social group.

My creeps – Be yourself. Don’t live for anyone else but yourself. And don’t have any fucks to give.

I am Demon. (Logical Rant)


Whilst looking upon youtube, my boyfriend stumbled upon a YouTuber that was attempting to analyze a song by one of our favorite bands. Instead of doing a well thought out researched analysis, she started to take the words as a personal attack on herself and her religious belief. Instead of realizing that the song was telling a story. After all, music is a form of entertainment, and the best songs tell us a story to strike up emotions.

After she did 2 parts of her “analysis” and calling people who follow metal music demonic and brainwashed imbeciles, she made a reply video for those that enjoy the music. She called us Demons, that she was against our legion, and how we’ve got serious issues because we don’t follow the gospel. This is what I said as a reply to her video:

Hello. I must say that I watched your Venom video and all I have to say is Wow! For one, I am a fan of the music – Metal has helped me through a lot in my lifetime, more so than religious extremism that is keeping people divided and conquered. The only reason someone has a “Demon” in them is because the “Demon” is the troubles within themselves that they fail to admit or face. Blaming a song for telling a story or a genre of music and calling them a “legion” of demons is pretty asinine. Chill.

I honestly, don’t normally comment on people’s videos, but I felt the need to say something. In her reply she “analyzes” the Venom website and starts talking about the pentagrams and the imagery of the band. Religious pushers like this woman, clearly are why so many people don’t want to discuss the religion. The type of person to judge someone without knowing anything and “damn” them to hell.

What I don’t understand, is that in her video she claims that if people don’t like her page, they should get off and concentrate on their life. Why doesn’t she take her own advice and go her way in life? I am proud to be a “demon” in her eyes. And it’s her extremism that makes me appalled. She claims to be a person of “God” yet she will spit on fellow brothers and sisters. She doesn’t follow the number one rule “Treat others how you want to be treated.”

Extremism always makes me rant because I don’t like to see people around me hurt without any true reason. They aren’t harming anyone. I have friends that follow a faith that still listen to metal music. Extremism is what will kill this beautiful country & world. Over a belief! A belief that is supposed to bring people together and unite!

The other thing that I don’t understand – Christianity adopted the pagan holidays into their ways — so they spit in the world of the pagans. Saying we need to be burned at stake and such. Again – EXTREMISM! People have too much time on their hands to be so cruel to another human being. In my eyes, you don’t attack someone and bully them into your realm unless you have a serious mental issue.

Having a faith or not having the faith isn’t the issue. When people are left alone without politics or the religion topic, we actually come together well. We accept we’re all human and do what we need to do to be successful. When we don’t like someone in particular, we just don’t associate with them. We don’t start hate groups nor bully.

Extremism is a major issue not just in the USA, but around the world. And it’s “parent” if you will, is biased media that causes the people to be divided. We are just people of all walks of life. We have hearts, emotions, bones, and brains.

Metal music has helped me as a person. I enjoy the imagery of the stories that are deep within lyrical content that cause you to think. I am proud to be “demonic” if that’s what you will. But, I’ll be the first to help someone hurt in the street or in need of help while you’ll sit there judging from afar.

Extremism needs to stop. Or we’ll just end up causing our own demise.

– Mercy Desdemona

Childhood Memory – White Zombie & My first song


Hello Creeps.

Whilst at work, I was watching the music video for White Zombie’s More Human than Human. When I was a little girl, I used to hear and watch this video all the time. That is the band that caught my attention with bass. Especially, since a female was on the bass guitar. Me being the little curly haired blonde that I was would secretly pretend I was Sean Yseult.

Image from Google Images.

Image from Google Images.

Yep. Thanks to Sean I was inspired to up the bass. Although it wasn’t easy. I first tried out drums. But drums didn’t feel “me” at all. I felt off. It wasn’t my place nor in my heart. In the school band I was a clarinetist, but at home I would start practicing bass material on this cheapo off-brand bass guitar that was picked up at a fire station garage sale. I’ve always been attracted to the sound of the bass. Whether it’s in a Groovy metal tone such as White Zombie, Heavy Doom like in Type O, and my favorite DISTORTION! For some reason, the sound of the bass felt in my heart. I could relate, pour my heart out and just play for hours.

Old Picture of good ol' Me.

Old Picture of good ol’ Me.

The first song that I came up with was of Halloween creatures. I would stand up in front of my grandma’s dishwasher – so I could see my reflection – and sing as loud and lovely as I could about the moon, the stars, and the “skelskins” (skeletons – gimmie a break! I was 3!). I would continue to sing on about how the creatures weren’t scary at all but how they were my friends. (if that didn’t hint to the fact that I would turn into this:

© Mercy Desdemona 2013

© Mercy Desdemona 2013

I do not know..)

Back to my tale, I would always sing songs that had a sort of story. All coming from my imagination. As a young adult, I see that I am still that person. Music is my calling and will never leave me. Being a vocalist and bass player means a lot to me. It’s where I know everything is okay. It’s where I know my imagination is still alive within me. Creativity never dies. I am proud to be of the imaginative kind. So many people grow up to become the stereotype that you must let dreams die and sacrifice your well being for it all.

That my friends, isn’t the case. What is the point of living life a lie when you could be living the life you’ve always wanted and enjoy it?

Have a dreadful Thursday mourning.

— Mercy Desdemona —

Ancient Symbols


The Original Meaning
The word “swastika” comes from the Sanskrit svastika – “su” meaning “good,” “asti” meaning “to be,” and “ka” as a suffix.

Until the Nazis used this symbol, the swastika was used by many cultures throughout the past 3,000 years to represent life, sun, power, strength, and good luck

Ancient symbols and words have lost there meaning and have come something they’ve never supposed to be. Normally, when you see Swastika you think of the Nazi Regime as we’re taught in high school. But dears, we’ve been around long before that time. There was a time where symbols had beautiful meanings and as man-kind grew they became ugly just like man-kind themselves. 

I love studying the ancients. I feel right at home while reading about their lives and wish I had the power to observe them. Not like a stalker, but an intrigued nerd with a history obsession. Why is it that in school we aren’t taught more of the ancient symbols and communication? We can’t say there isn’t any documents nor evidence of their communication systems. Why hide the meaning of these symbols that our ancients left behind? Why only teach us one sided studies?