Music Festival Fundraiser by Unsuccessful Entertainment


Hey Creeps! The latest video on our YouTube Discussing our music festival fundraiser! All of the proceeds will go towards opening The Igloo Ice Cream Parlor & Eatery!

Bands: We have limited space available!! Please contact us immediately if you’re interested! We are open to many genres as the festival is for all ages!

Attention Musicians:


We are currently looking for bands to play at our music festival fundraiser. Our fundraiser will take place on May 18th, 2013 in Northern New York! 

Types of bands we are looking for:

  • Classic Rock
  • Blues
  • Easy Listening
  • Hard rock
  • Soft Rock
  • Jazz

If you or you know someone who is interested in playing, please contact me at: or on Facebook:

More details will be given out when e-mailed.


Thank you!




During this time period of me fundraising and meeting with potential investors – I’ve had a lot of negative energy thrown at me. A lot of people have been against me from the beginning of it all. Others – mainly people I didn’t expect to be of such help – have extended their time to make sure my fundraiser and more becomes a reality.

For me – this was an inspiration. It goes to show that through the negative energy, there is always a plus. I have worked very hard and have successfully put a team together to move things forward. Our fundraiser takes place on May 18th! I’m disappointed it couldn’t be on the 11th, but at least it’s still happening!

I have volunteers from my old high school to bake goods and help with refreshments and to work tables. I think this is a great! I have also been told by students that I have made a difference in their life. How? I honestly don’t know. I’m not that interesting of a person nor have I done anything grand yet in my young life. But, it’s good to know that I’ve made a difference in people’s life.

The hardest part about fundraising – negative energy people. These people try to shoot down every aspect of your idea! They are rude, obnoxious, and completely irritating. They are the hardest people to ignore when you are trying to do a good deed! Never let them succeed in taking you down. I have done that for a majority of my life. I missed out on a lot of opportunities. My past experience with this matter is my fuel to be positive and stay focused.

Surrounding yourself with a good team is also a hard thing to do. Why? Because a lot of people in this world don’t like to volunteer their time unless some sort of reward will be bestowed on them. It’s no longer acceptable to do a good deed just for doing a good deed. Well, I’m lucky because a lot of people on my team have shown their strengths, weaknesses, and work to their best ability. My fundraiser has gone from a tiny idea to a small movement in a little  under 3 weeks time.

I also noticed that some of you that follow me here on Unsuccessful Entertainment, have started to follow my Igloo blog! I wanted to say thank you for the support! I appreciate how many of you actually took the time to check it out, and hope you’ll spread the word about my cause!

Inspiration for me has always come from within myself. But the more I look at my team, the troubles, the success – I see that life itself is an inspiration.


– Mercy



It’s been awhile since I could keep track of my blogs because the time is ticking against me and I have a music festival and more to put together in under 2 weeks. I have a meeting with a funding executive tomorrow at four o’clock. I also have to get posters together, finalize my music festival date (the only thing holding me back from success at this point), and more. It’s been a HARD road at this point. Considering the issues that come with a small time frame. At least, I found some great volunteers to help at the festival. We will hold refreshments and more! 

Yesterday, I was put fully in charge of all these aspects. It’s a very hard job, but I do have a great team that makes it all possible! I hate being at a stand still though with this waiting on a date considering I have to get things up and ready to go! 

I’ve made a word press blog for my business as well: For future customers and supporters to keep up with. 

Creeps, I must ask you a question:

  1. What advice can you give me to make this fundraiser a fun attraction aside from music and refreshments?
  2. Should I do some sort of raffle?

If anyone can give a few pointers – That would be great! 🙂

– mercy

Q & A With Mercy


Hello Creeps. Welcome to another Q & A. You guys have sent in questions and here I am to answer them:

What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?

– On rainy days, I feel the most creative. I take advantage of that creativity and move forward with my works. Either that or curl up and enjoy some fresh baked foods.

Are you Tattooed? And what is your opinion on Tattoos?

– I currently have zero tattoos but I am yearning to get my first ink! I adore tattoos, when they are done properly. I think sometimes people don’t think before they get one and it turns out a less quality than they expected! Always do your research and take the time to love your design! I also love how tattoos share a person’s journey in their individual spirit!

Do you wear corsets and where do you get them?

– Yes! I do wear corsets. Not only have they helped me with any posture problems but they help me when singing! (Which is hard to attempt in a corset).  I get them at Corset Story (pop it in Google Search!)

How do you feel about the concept of revenge?

– I feel it’s a useless concept. Living out of spite for someone isn’t a way to live. Your life is lovely in it’s own manner – even the bad parts! Stay forth and appreciate the little things.

Do you believe in tarot cards?

– I do believe that Tarot cards are a way of helping you deep think about a current situation in your life. The symbolism in the cards triggers your brain in someway to aid you. I personally, see it as a form of meditation more than anything else. I’ve used tarot readings to aid me in troubles! It has worked.

How do you get over being self conscious?

– It’s hard, but worth it! I think, you naturally get over it when you see that you do have power deep within you. I got to the point where I was fed up pleasing everyone and started going my route.



USA is NOT a Christian Nation!


USA is NOT a Christian Nation!

I am a tolerant individual. I love hearing people’s beliefs until they start trying to erase fact and history to coincide with their belief. You cannot erase a historic fact just because you don’t want to agree with it. The United States of America is NOT a Christian Nation and was never to be a Christian Nation.

“Amendment 1 – FREEDOM OF RELIGION, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

We are free to express or not express any religious beliefs. Our country was supposed to be the tolerant one. Promoting the land of the free and home of the brave.

Regarding the Pledge of allegiance:

Original Text: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands; one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Text AFTER 1954: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands; one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

I am an American Citizen. I will say the ORIGINAL pledge of allegiance.

Pray for healing?


Pray for healing?

This is an article that I’ve stumbled upon this calm Wednesday afternoon. This isn’t the first case I’ve heard of this. A couple has lost a 2nd child to the angel of death because they used prayer to heal. Their church has a creepy slogan about using prayer in the name of Jesus to heal rather than seek medical attention.

Now, I’m not a fan of doctors. I think they give you pills just to have you react to the side effects to get on more etc. I am more in natural world remedies UNLESS it is something that actually needs emergency care! 

With this form of religious extremism – It’s quite scary that many innocent lives are taken from this world. 


– Mercy

Hello Creeps! Business Update!


Hello! I’ve missed blogging very much! But I have been pre-occupied with the fundraisers and my business situation. Right now, I’m in a good placement because I’m finding more and more about what I need to do and feeling so much more accomplished. I’m actually going down to my shop this week to start taking out items I know I definitely won’t need and selling them to someone that could use it. 

My community is well aware of my situation and since The Igloo is such a beloved place by all, many people are reaching out to me asking me what they could do to help! So far, I’ve got a place donated to me for the music festival and the date and times are beginning to take place. Which means, on top of everything else I’m doing, I need practice vocals. And how does Mercy do that? By singing while she’s doing business work and yard work!

I also have a new Unsuccessful Entertainment video to upload! It will be in 2 parts.