Christmas Evil (1980) Review


Hello Devils & Ghouls,

Today I take a look at Christmas Evil that was created in 1980. It was under the horror section and here is the said description of the film:

Because of a boyhood trauma during Christmas, a man remains slightly obsessed with the holiday for the rest of his life, becoming a toy maker and keeping track of which children are naughty and nice. After learning of his company’s corporate greed he snaps and goes on a killing spree dressed as Santa.

When reading the description, I thought that this would be pretty interesting. Okay, so a guy suffers a boyhood trauma which will make him this eerie creepy guy lurking around town dictating whats naughty or nice and chops off the heads of people. So you go to view the trailer which looks like this:


And then… somehow after seeing that promotional clip…. you somehow manage to get to the full movie. And all I have to say is wow. It’s kinda… weird but it kept your attention – unlike Blood Bride in the previous review. This movie was out there enough to make you wanna go alright… I’ll check out the ending and when you get to the ending you think… Really…. That’s it… that’s what all this is about?

First off: His boyhood “Trauma” isn’t even anything that traumatic unless he had some weird incest love thing for his mom. Sure, seeing your parents grope each other in Christmas attire isn’t pleasing – No one wants to see that, but it won’t exactly make someone become obsessed with Santa Clause, Want to be Santa and kill people… Or watch your brother have a groping session with his wife through their window.

Harry – The character who is the main dude killing people – is a very soft spoken and shy guy. He has an obsession with making toys at the toy factory and gets mad when he’s promoted from the line because he has to be a “suit” and be greedy. This makes him mad and he has these angry twitches before finally going bonkers.

Throughout the movie, it’s hard to keep track of the characters. And it’s kinda weird that you see a little kid cutting nudey pics out of a magazine and this guy just gets obsessed with the kid. And leaves weird mud handprints outside of the kids house.

The killings are so beyond the rank of B-Horror movie that I don’t know what exactly to think. He kills right in front of people and then drives away and the cops still can’t catch him! So he goes to his brothers house ad people go after him with pitchforks and such.

It’s really cheesy but its so cheesy you can’t help but watch this frickin thing.

I rate it: 3 corpse babies.

I say this because even though its crap – it has your attention until the end and you wait to say “I regret putting this on” until AFTER the movie ends. That right there is an accomplishment in itself.

If you’re interested in checking this out, we found the full movie here:



Good day my devils! I’m off to see some live bands play.

– Mercy


Blood Bride (aka. Death of a Nun) 1980 Review


Hello my little devils and creeps.

Today we take a stroll down into 1980 to review Blood Bride (aka. Death of a Nun). I saw this film for the first time yesterday with my love and let’s just say it was odd.

Let’s start off with the description of the movie:

A young Catholic woman can’t wait to get married and finally finds the right man who spends an inordinate amount of time in Church. Little does she know that her Mr. Right has a side to him that is down right evil.

You read the description, and you’re like okay… kinda strange but peaks the curiosity of a strange individual like myself. When reading this description – I thought – Okay, so a woman ands up marrying a serial killer. Sounds a lot like the plots on that Lifetime movie network my dad’s girlfriend watches. But, it’s under the horror section so maybe there will be some “satanic” rituals and all that jazz.

This film is like a cheesy soap opera and doesn’t belong in the horror genre. It is something that belongs on one of those soap t.v. stations. They could have done a lot more with this but they didn’t. [Insert Sigh]

The woman is 26 years old and her parents are pushing her to get married because they keep calling her an old maid. The movie starts off with the woman feeding her dad his breakfast and talking about a crappy date with some fella. Saddened by the fact his daughter didn’t have a good date, he frowns and mumbles some stuff about how she needs to find someone because he doesn’t know what to do with her.

She then heads over to confession to confess that she yearns for love of the flesh and God’s love of her soul isn’t enough.

The woman is a secretary at an office and the fella she marries walks in to have an appointment with her boss. After he leaves her boss’s office she is called in and her boss keeps asking her why she is single and then she meets up with her fella who takes her out on a lunch date where she talks in a run on sentence like the one I just wrote about how her life sucks. 🙂

Okay, so the fella has some creepy fetish for some nun that was around when he was a young boy. There are all these flashbacks of him being a little boy and a beautiful woman and then a nun showing off her legs in a sexual manner. So you know right then and there that this is a plot twist for Lifetime Movie Network (I’m ashamed I know of that network…but it’s all they play in waiting rooms at the doctors.)

Oh, there’s also this weird scene when this woman dresses in a sexy nun costume and he ties her up and stabs her…

The lovebirds wed and on their honeymoon he ditches her to go into his library and think about the nun that gave him a show when he was younger. While the woman is left in her room wondering what’s wrong with her and why her new husband won’t have any sexual manner with her. He locks them away in his country inn and starts to beat her so she tries to get away.

Over all, I rate this movie 2 dead babies since the description of it did lead me to watch it. The movie itself could have been much better. The could have at least… shown more background to the hubby and why he was so damn crazy. There were a lot of things missing with this film. It wasn’t at all attention grabbing while watching it. Several times I got up during it to make food, get a drink, do laundry, and even read a stephen king article. But hey, I guess that’s what you get for a film like this.

It does have a very nice cheese factor to it, so that’s a plus. But it doesn’t have a suspense factor. It’s much like a college kid doing a film project sort of feels.

If you’d like to check out the film, we found it here FULL on youtube:




~ Mercy



We will be having our first broadcast on DissidentOverdriveMetalRadio on U-STREAM soon!

Music Shop RE-STOCK!


Hello Devils & Creeps!

We’re happy to announce a new shipment of Factory Sealed albums that will be for sale on our E-Bay shop. Ranging from many genres. We’re looking to restock our store this weekend!!

We’re expecting another shipment to come any day now to bring more music to our faithful little devils!

Album reviews to come soon!


– Mercy Desdemona

Ghost (Ghost B.C.) Band Review


Dearest Creeps:

Today we shall address the band Ghost or Ghost B.C. To be clear, I honestly don’t know what they go by because one minute they are Ghost and the other moment they are referred to as Ghost B.C. They are in fact on the Metal-Archives: and that is where my love and I stumbled upon them.

So let’s get started with this review!

When you first listen to this band, you’d think you were back in the times of Iron Butterfly… even their music videos remind me of Black Sabbath’s cheese factor from back in the day. The band is full of nameless ghouls except for the singer who is Papa Emeritus II. For present day, their sound is unique and these Swedish fellas know how to be satanic, evil, and dark. In a way, they raise the hairs on your arms because you listen to the music and his voice… it sounds almost super cheerful. As if it were to brainwash you to join some cult or as a matter of fact, if this was the 1980s with the PMRC… I think this band would have been blamed for everything and they probably do have hidden messages in their lyrics that might sound evil but might be just like “Vilda, go make me a sandwich.” 

Kinda art-rocky but not overboard art rocky where you want to be Andy Warhol. 

I think it’s a refreshing band to emerge in today’s world of music. Check them out below:




Tent Vs. RV (Opinion)


Hello Creeps.

Today we’ll discuss my opinion on tent camping or camping in an RV. It seemed to be what is flooding my inbox lately so here it goes. I prefer the tent aspect over the R.V. Why? Because I like to randomly hike and put up the tent and sleep. I like to get away from all the hustle and bustle. I would only use an R.V. for a road trip… not camping. Camping to me is like rewinding time and going back to when settlers were finding places. Camping in a tent also gets you back into your what I call ‘true mind’. That is: The state of mind that isn’t overwhelmed by phone calls, businesses, problems, bills, etc. 

Imagination and creativity are stronger for me when i’m out in the tent than when I’m in my room. Plus, it’s a kind reminder that we are a part of nature too. That man has chosen to be “Civilized” and turn our backs on the beautiful world before us in exchange for paper money, competition, greed, hunger, anger, mental issues, bills, and stress. 

I suppose that’s all I have to say for now. Upcoming Blogs:

  • Hellraiser (original) Review
  • Classic Vs Remake
  • Band/Album Review

If you’ve got any films, bands, or albums you’d like me to review leave it in a comment! 



Scare-A-Con 2013!


Hello Creeps!

So, I decided to browse the web for some horror conventions and stumbled across Scare-A-Con! It is on Sept 12-15th (the 15th is my Birthday!) and I am definitely finding a way to go with my love! I took a look at the celebrity list and had to obtain the VIP! This would definitely make my birthday extra special and be a great trip for my love and I to do! 😀 

Here are some links for you ghouls:


– Mercy

Dear Postal Service


It has come to my attention that your tracking system sucks. It needs some coffee or maybe a nice back rub to get back into the swing of things. Packages I’ve ordered about a month ago still haven’t arrived. I wonder what I ever did to you postal service. I’ve paid my P.O. Box on time, and even use you for the items I sell. So why are you being a jerk? 

– Mercy