Interview with CherryDollFace


Hello ladies and gents! For my second interview ever, I was able to do an email interview with Cherrydollface. It was a pleasure and I thank her for taking time out of her busy schedule to answer questions she may or may not have heard 1000x! Xoxo – Mercy


Photo Credit: Jenna of Rose Photography

M: What inspired you to create videos on YouTube?

C: When I was just pinup modeling, I styled myself for all of my shoots and girls would always ask how I was doing certain styles. So I made a YouTube channel as a supplement to that!

M: Were you surprised by the response your videos received?

C: Absolutely! I thought  “oh maybe I will get a few hundred girls to follow this” and now I just top 275,000 and 17 million views.


Photo Credit: Missmissyphoto

M: Is the process to create your videos lengthy?

C: Totally depends on the video! Style videos always take longer because there is a lot of outfit changing. Tutorials are probably the quickest to film because it is just one angle and a straight through image.

M: Have you always been interested in modeling?

C: Not really… It kind of just happened and it was fun so I kept doing it.


Photo credit: Nicole Caldwell

M: If not, what did you aspire to be?

C: I went to school to be a drug and alcohol counselor originally. After doing that for two years, I realized it was too emotionally draining, so I went back to school for business. I was never totally sure what I wanted to do, but I knew I didn’t want to be stuck in an office cubicle.

M: What attracted you to the retro look than any other?

C: I love the classic style. I love how beautiful and feminine it makes me feel. I love that it takes actual effort.


Photo Credit: Blake Gardner

M: Is there another style you’d like to try?

C: I am kind of a chameleon. I always try to mix my vintage inspired ideas with other interesting looks. I pay attention to current fashion and I also like aspects of goth, punk – I just like to be creative and interesting.

M: What are some of your favorite retro ladies/gents and why?

C: Hmm, not to sure how to answer this one! I don’t really follow many “public figure” type people so I don’t know what is really happening in the “scene”. Most of who I follow are either friends or companies. I wouldn’t say I have a favorite. I embrace variety!


Photo Credit: Andy Hartmark

M: What is the most rewarding thing about what you do?

C: Meeting girls and having them tell me stories of how I have inspired them in any way – big or small. It is so amazing to be able to travel all over the world and actually meet these girls that are otherwise just screennames. I love hugging all the hot babes that follow me!


Photo Credit: Ray Guitierrez

M: Are there any negatives?

C: It is exhausting! But in a good way- it is totally worth it. But, I put a lot of myself out there and sometimes overextend. A lot of girls that do what I do don’t interact with their followers. I try to answer as many messages and comments as I possibly can and sometimes it takes me away from things I need to focus on in my personal life. But, I just want to be there for the ladies that need me!


Photo Credit: Ray Guitierrez

M: What inspired you to create the deed of the week?

C: My main goal is to be a positive light in a sea of (going to be really honest here) super mean girls. I spent so many years watching girls tear each other down – and watching the girls at the top of the “scene” be rude and catty publicly. I realized that the younger girls were becoming this way because that was the only examples of how to behave they were being exposed too. So, I figured I would do my small little part to try not to be an asshole and set a positive example. It ISN’T cool to be mean.


Photo Credit: Nightmare Photography

M: Have you always been self confident?

C: Not always. I was the typical insecure teenager. Even in my early 20s I was still trying to figure out who I was and I even had a small period of being that mean girl myself. I think it is natural to lash out when you have no confidence. It takes the light off of you and throws it on whoever you are picking on. But then I realized that wasnt who I wanted to be, so I changed.

M: What do you think every lady and gent could do to become more self confident and pass on positivity?

C: I think self confidence starts with how we treat other people. It feela genuinely good to be nice to others. Which is a lot of what I hope to do with my deed of the week. I feel like it is easy to tumble down the rabbit hole of others ( even if it’s online ) and once you fall too far down that rabbit hole, you just don’t feel good about yourself. You just can’t. The more young people that see their role models being nice and positive, the more that positivity spreads!


Photo Credit: Jennifer Erickson

Want more Cherrydollface? Check out the links below!

YouTube: Click Here
Facebook: Click Here
Instagram: Click Here
Website: Click Here



I get asked about my thoughts on relationships alot. And, although I’m moving my blog in a more Entertainment direction, I will still gladly answer any questions and post my views here and there.

My thing about relationships is brutal honesty. If you cant be hardcore honest with the person, then that person isn’t for you. You shouldn’t feel down about yourself or feel like youre in a competition.

You should literally feel radiant about yourself. Because you know your loved one loves your positives and negatives.

You have to communicate. You cant live in seperate worlds. It defeats the purpose of being together. Of course, you will need alone time to miss each other. However, you needn’t be so separate that you never talk.

You should never treat someone the same way you treat your lover. If thats the case, then the bond between the two of you in my eyes, isnt as sacred and special.

These are just my views. Answering Meghan’s question. ” What is your view on relationships?”

An Editorial Opinion from Vampire Maman


Love this post!! Truth.

Vampire Maman

I will have my usual Friday post later today after I find something to write about… Of course usual isn’t the word I usually use around here. Maybe “unusual” is more fitting.

This week has been heart breaking and mind numbing for all of us who have opinions and value freedom and have half a brain in our heads.

Then I thought of my own work.

There have been times when I’ve had second thoughts about posting something because I didn’t want to offend someone. I didn’t want to offend anyone because they might leave a nasty comment or them might stop following Vampire Maman.

Well, that was stupid.

Most of the time when I’ve posted my offending posts I’ve received a flood of support. I am not alone. You are here with me. You are not alone because I’m here. 

I’ve also had people attack me because I write this…

View original post 289 more words



Hello my dearest followers. I have been doing a lot of thinking of what direction I want to take the blog. You will be noticing some changes that I hope will make following the blog more of a pleasure. The title of the blog has been renamed as ‘Desdemona Entertainment’. Secondly, if you haven’t already checked out January’s monthly featured interview check it out here: interview I have decided that each month, there will be a featured interview. The interview will always be with someone from the creative side. Models, musicians, jewelry makers, painters, photographers, authors etc. My inspiration comes from wanting to help fellow creative people like myself get out there! If you or someone you know would like to be a featured interview please send an email to:

Interviews can be done through email.

I will have a new post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Im currently trying to choose what I would like to post on those days.

I am on twitter: @mercydesdemona

Feel free to follow me.

My facebook: Facebook Go ahead and like the page.

I will be doing contests and much more on the way.

Thank you for following and to my newcomers… pour yourself a glass of wine and enjoy the party… dont worry… the vampires wont bite.


Mercy Desdemona

Interview with Brittany M – Model


Elizabeth Stayer Photography

Hello, creepers of the page. I’ve had the pleasure of doing a short interview with upcoming model, and one of my good friends, Brittany M.


Lightray photography

Mercy: How did you get into modeling?

Brittany M: How I got into modeling was that I had a friend who was dabbling in it and a photographer noticed my facebook and asked if I wanted to do a shoot. I figured why not and went for it!


Nina Street Photography

Mercy: Is there anyone who inspires you?

Brittany M: I don’t have a single person who inspires me per say. But just the art and the beaury is what kept me going and creative.


Blacksheep photography

Mercy: What types of modeling do you do?

Brittany M: As of this moment, I don’t have a specific type, but I mainly do artistic. I’ve done boudoir and high fashion as well. But, I want to also try out cosplay.


Nina Street Photography

Mercy: How has modeling affected you as a person?

Brittany M: Modeling has actually affected me alot! I used to be very self-conscious and kept to myself. But, I’ve become more comfortable with who I am, and my body. I’ve met some great people as well.


Bronson Creativity

Mercy: Do you have any specific likes about modeling?

Brittany M: What I like about modeling is how all the different aspects can come together and create something wonderful.

Dugan Photography

Mercy: And the cliched question after likes… the dislikes?

Brittany M: Dislikes, the fact it can get tedious behind the camera with all the details and getting everything set up and networking.


Andrew Baran Photography

Mercy: Let’s talk about your first shoot. How was it?

Brittany M: The first shoot was very liberating but also highly terrifying.


Blacksheep Photography

Mercy: Do you have a favorite shoot or event so far?

Brittany M: My most favorite shoot… that’s actually a hard question. I love the production of each. But, probably my bloody boudior shoot, because I just got to play and roll around in fake blood for hours!


Nina Street Photography

Mercy: Where do you hope to go with modeling?

Brittany M: My ultimate goal is to be a traveling model.


Bronson Creativity

Mercy: Have you had any bad shoots before?

Brittany M: You always get at least one good shot from a shoot. But, mainly my first few shoots were worse because it was so weird and different being in front of a camera.


Bronson Creativity

Mercy: Any tips for any upcoming models?

Brittany M: Upcoming models just need to focus on networking and being a good person. And, eventually word of mouth is what gets you the gigs. But be sure you know your boundaries and stick to them!


Blacksheep Photography

Mercy: Is modeling something you think everyone should try once – even if it’s just for fun?

Brittany M: Everyone should do it once. No matter the type. It makes you feel great about yourself and you can look at it and say wow… is that really me?


Blacksheep Photography

You can show your support for Brittany on Facebook: Brittany M – Model


Dugan Photography