
Hello my dearest followers. I have been doing a lot of thinking of what direction I want to take the blog. You will be noticing some changes that I hope will make following the blog more of a pleasure. The title of the blog has been renamed as ‘Desdemona Entertainment’. Secondly, if you haven’t already checked out January’s monthly featured interview check it out here: interview I have decided that each month, there will be a featured interview. The interview will always be with someone from the creative side. Models, musicians, jewelry makers, painters, photographers, authors etc. My inspiration comes from wanting to help fellow creative people like myself get out there! If you or someone you know would like to be a featured interview please send an email to: vintagehorrormistress@gmail.com

Interviews can be done through email.

I will have a new post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Im currently trying to choose what I would like to post on those days.

I am on twitter: @mercydesdemona

Feel free to follow me.

My facebook: Facebook Go ahead and like the page.

I will be doing contests and much more on the way.

Thank you for following and to my newcomers… pour yourself a glass of wine and enjoy the party… dont worry… the vampires wont bite.


Mercy Desdemona

One thought on “🌟New🌟

  1. Pingback: January – Science Fiction Month | Desdemona Entertainment

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