Podcast in the works


I have been speaking with a friend of mine about having a weekly podcast we would upload to YouTube. The topics will be a variety of things including entertainment. We have been busy tossing back and forth ideas and I look forward to working with my co-host in this venture. Hopefully, we will be able to provide entertainment to you Spooks.



Hello my Spooks! I’d love to take this time out to discuss upcoming changes. You maybe aware that I made some changes if you follow me on Facebook:


Alright my freaks — Here’s whats going on as you may see some changes to the page but Facebook won’t publish the changes for at least 3 days. I have decided to retire my Mercy Desdemona name as she’s only a part of who I am as a person. So the name change will become Spooky Kitz. ALL of my works — NOT JUST MODELING – will be posted here. This means, Youtube videos, Blogs, Film projects, Music, Etc. I thank all my freaks for following me and sorry for any confusion. Just sometimes you gotta retire some things from your life in order to reach your goals. Much Love – Spooky.

I will also be making the changes to this blog as well. I hope all of you will continue to follow me on my journey.
