September is Silent Film Month!

Devils & Ghouls,

I thank you before hand for your time. I have decided to go through with my plans I have mentioned earlier in a previous blog of going through specialty months. September is when my birthday is and it’s when the first signs of autumn become aware to the human eye. My biggest inspiration for all my creativity is the Silent Era. Now in silent film month, I won’t just review horror films but I will review the actors/actresses/directors…. jumbling it up a bit.

My passion for music comes from a mixture of 4 things: Type O Negative, Ronnie James Dio, Vintage Looney Tunes, and Silent Films! I will start up on Friday with this month of Silent Era!


Horrific Wishes.

Mercy Desdemomna

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  1. Pingback: Jumble Spoiler – 09/30/13 | Unclerave's Wordy Weblog

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